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IMHOH 2018 Manifesto

I the middle of May of 2018, I started a blog just to give myself a platform to write about my life with same-sex attractions. I hated bottling it up, and I knew I just had to say something.

I didn't have to share it with anyone but my fellow Courage members and the priests that ministered to us. I just didn't want to be silent any longer.

To my surprise, quite a few people were interested in what I had to say, and asked me to continue writing and telling my story.

I began to beg the question, "Could IMHOH actually be something? Something real, something meaningful?"

Now, eight months and over 17,000 views later, my question has changed.

I'm now asking, "How far can God take IMHOH?"


2018 is going to be the year that everything changes for me, and I see what I'm really made of.

I want to push my creative limits as well as my spiritual limits, and let all of that pour forth into all of the work that I do with IMHOH.

Creatively, I want to bring you content that will speak to a larger audience, and I also want to target specific groups that have reached out to me for help.

These different groups want answers specific to their questions, and I will provide content for them such as:

  • To Parents of Kids with SSA

  • To Youth Ministers with Kids with SSA

  • To High School Students with SSA

  • To College Students with SSA

I've been wanting to create YouTube videos for a while, so I am also going to begin doing that, either as their own content, or as support for my articles on this blog.

As for the spiritual aspect, I said a not too long ago that I wanted to incorporate something that I've been reading about in my blog called the Divine Indwelling.

I said that I felt it could be the answer to so many of the problems that arise in the lives of people with SSA, and this year I really want to explore that.

Topics that I want to explore with this are things like:

  • Alone with The Blessed Trinity: Loneliness and the Divine Indwelling

  • Lessons from St. Elizabeth of the Trinity

  • Experiencing Intimacy with SSA

  • My First Love, My Greatest Love: The Blessed Trinity Within

  • The Interior Life of the Souls Living with SSA

All of these things I will be studying and researching myself, and they are things that I want to share with you.

I know many of you want to know more about my story as well, and what my day to day life looks like, and depending on what you all want to see, I will reveal more of that as well.


IMHOH as a brand has the chance to really become something this year, and I do not want to miss out on all the wonderful things that can come about because of it.

And in building IMHOH to all it can be, I know that I will be changed in the process. I'm excited to see how much as I grow as a person alongside this mission and this ministry, and I pray and hope that you will join me.

Please keep IMHOH, myself, and everyone involved and that will be involved in this mission in your prayers.

This year is about a transformation unto glory, as the wonderful Sr. Miriam James says, and I am ready to see just what all of that entails.



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