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Would You Get to Know Me, Fr. James Martin?

Time and time again, Fr. James Martin, you've been very critical of the clergy and Church members not being willing to get to know and learn the stories of gay men and women.

I cannot deny that there has been unjust discrimination towards those who identify themselves with the LGBTQ+ community -- I would never dream of denying that.

But, I will say that even more unjust discrimination has been thrown in the direction of the courageous men and women who make the choice to live chaste lives in accord with the truth teachings of the Catholic Church.

Recently I came across a video by an amazing man named Joseph Sciambra. Joseph speaks openly about being delivered by Christ from a life of rampant homosexual acts, pornography, and even the occult. He posted a video back in September of this year called An Ex-Gay Response to James Martin, in which he brought up an amazing point that I want to bring to your attention.

You are actually coming to speak at a college near me in May of 2018. I wonder, if you had the time, if you would be willing to sit across from me and get to know me, and listen to my story.

Would you be as willing to get to know me, Fr. James Martin?


If you were to ask me, I would tell you that I am loved before all else. I was created for love by Love Himself, and He wills my good.

He wills my joy, and desires for me to be fulfilled. My Creator knows how He created me. Written on my heart is a desire for love, love that only He Himself can provide, love that only He Himself is.

I know that only my His love can fulfill me, that running to the arms of another woman with my heart open and empty will not satisfy me.

No lesser love and compare to my Greatest Love; they were never meant to.

O with what affection my Greatest Love looks upon me!

O with what perfection my Truine Love satisfies me!

If you were to ask me, I would tell you that I have suffered a great deal. Living with same-sex desires has at times made my life a living Hell, and I know many of the other people you've ministered to with SSA will tell you the same thing.

But how many of them will admit to you how empty the LBGTQ+ lifestyle is? How many will admit the emptiness and loneliness that is so sickening and so pervasive within that community?

They've become comfortable with being lied to, and many of them don't even know it. I don't want to be lied to, Father, even if the truth hurts me. Tell us the truth, tell us the goodness, the truth, and the beauty of what the Church teaches.

O what Love He gives to me,

Love no lesser thing could ever hope to be!

If you were to ask me, I would tell you that I carry Heaven in my chest, that I am a vessel carrying my God within me.

My Truine Love so desired to dwell not only among me, but within me. Here I stand, a living tabernacle, consumed by God within, and loved as if there was only me to love.

I can call this Love mine, Fr. Martin. This is the love that I desire, that each and every one of us desires! Including those who identify as LGBTQ+.

O what Divine Majesty,

O with what beauty

the Lord of Lords has deemed

with which to possess me!

Tell me, dear Father, do you honestly believe that the love of the Most Holy Trinity, my Greatest Love, isn't enough to satisfy me?


My brothers and sisters in Christ are forced to either believe you, or Christ, Fr. Martin. The Man that you profess to love and to serve, the Man who's Bride you vowed to upload, does not agree with your doctrine, and will not change it simply because some people do not agree.

Recall that in the Gospel of John, many people walked away from Christ due to His teachings one the Most Holy Eucharist, and He did not stop them. In fact, He turned to His 12 Apostles and asked them if they wanted to leave as well!

Just because a certain percentage of the Church supports "gay marriage," does not mean that this teaching is going to change. God in His infinite goodness, will never change, whether we like it or not.

Tell me the truth, Father. I beg of you.

As long as you wear the collar, please, tell me that God loves me, and made me good.

Hello Fr. James Martin.

My name is Avera Maria Santo, and I am a child of God.



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