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It's Ok to Not Always Be Ok

I think in order to better carry this cross you have to know that the heaviness of this cross will probably vary depending on the day. 

I think in order to better carry this cross you have to know how to make boundaries for yourself. 

I think In order to better carry this cross you have to know that Jesus wants to carry it with you. 

Like I said, some days the crosses you are bearing, whether it be the cross of SSA or any cross for that matter, will be more painful. That's ok! I know that it makes the journey a little more tough, but it will make you stronger in the end. 

Recently, I've been kinda spiritually dry and have been wondering how I can relate this to my cross. 

Here's what I've come up with:

I am 100% sure that the spiritual dryness I am experiencing is a call to further lean on the Lord. So, the same is true for those days when you feel as though you can't even begin to pick up your cross. If it's feeling really tough, call on the Lord to take the weight of it for you. I know I very often forget to do that, but that's what Jesus wants us to do. He wants us to express our need for his help. He wants to help us take up our crosses. 

I heard a really really good piece of advice from a friend when I was at a bible study one time:

"Let God show you what he can really do. Oftentimes we put God in this little box by asking him for something and then underestimating his ability to answer our prayers. God is so powerful and yet we secretly hold on to the big intentions because we underestimate him, or we lose hope."

So my request is that you really offer whatever it is up to the Lord, no take-backs. Find a community of people who can support you when it's hard. Let Jesus know when you are truly beaten down. He wants to lift you up. It is his joy to lift you up. Let those around you know that you need their help too. It's not too much to ask. There are people who would be overjoyed to walk this path with you, I promise. 

So, will you let the Lord really show you his magnificent love for you this week? 




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