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The Revolution Starts with Us!

You know, I want to start a revolution. A revolution that enlists both beauty and love as its most powerful allies. A revolution that involves reaching out to people who have never felt loved. Reaching out to people with heavy crosses. Reaching out to people who wish to know the Lord, but don't know how. 

I think that revolution starts here, with the people who are occasionally made to feel like we have no place in the Catholic Church  because of our SSA. 

I'm here to take a stand and tell any and all of you read this blog that we do in fact have a place within the Mystical Body of Christ. I know it with all my being. And I want you to know it too. 

I want you to know that I get that you probably very often feel like it's unfair that aren't allowed to love who you're attracted to. I feel that too. It's hard. 

I want you to know that I get that sometimes you might wish that you didn't have to carry this cross. I feel that too. It's painful. 

I want you to know that I get that you maybe ask the Lord, "Why me? Why this cross?" I do that too. It's confusing. 

Recently, I heard a homily given at daily mass that really spoke to me. The priest talked primarily about the first reading which was Exodus 20:1-17. It outlines the Ten Commandments. The priest started in a way that caught me a little off guard to be honest. He said, and I'm paraphrasing for lack of perfect memory ;) , "you know, I don't like rules and laws. I always felt like they were created to limit me. Why does someone else get to tell me what I can and can't do? I felt that way for a long time until I started to look at this passage in a different way. 

I never thought of it this way, but when I did it changed everything: the Ten Commandments is God's way of asking for a relationship with us."

That priest was completely right. We have the commandments because he loves us and wants us to know that he's looking out for our best interests at all times. He's jealous for us and wants our praise and love. He wants us to love him like he loves us. He's crazy for each and every one of us! 

When it seems unfair, painful, and confusing, please please please remember that the love you will receive from the Lord is so much bigger than that. His love for you conquers all of your deepest fears and sorrows, and I mean that from the bottom of my heart. I have witnessed it in my own life with the cross of SSA. He flooded my heart when it seemed as though I was unlovable because of my cross. Sure, it has been tough and might continue to be at times, but the Lord is walking this path with me and providing me with the strength and grace I need, so I know that I'm gonna make it. 

If you love the Lord, and seek to follow him even through this cross, he will not disappoint you. I promise. He has yet to disappointed me. Romans 8:28 spells it out pretty clearly, at least to me. 

"We know that all things work for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose".

Let's start a revolution. One that brings others into the love of Christ. One that leads us all to Heaven. You in? 




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