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The LILE Project

I know I'm uploading off schedule, but don't worry, I will still upload on Tuesday and Friday of this week. Be sure to subscribe so you won't miss anything!

But! I have a very special announcement for you guys.

When I first started this blog back in May of 2017, I started it for the purpose of giving my Courage members something to read once or twice a week, just so we weren't only meeting on Sundays with nothing in between.

I had absolutely no idea that it would take off the way that it has. And I'm nothing short of blown away.

I've had many people, friends and strangers alike, reach out to me saying that they love that I choose to share my story with the world. They appreciate me speaking out, and my heart is truly overflowing.

But, there's only so much that you can say in a blog post. And, so many of you have expressed an interest in hearing more of my story.

So, I've decided to put a little something together for all of you.


LILE is the abbreviated title of the book that I will write about my life as a Catholic with Same-Sex Attractions. It will include stories about my life from my childhood, all they way up until now, some advice from me for both struggling with SSA, and providing help to those who struggle. If at all possible, I would like to include personal journal entries and letters and prayers that I've written in this book, as well as some of my photography since I find so much beauty and authenticity in the world around me.

I want this book to be a personal encounter with me, just like this blog is. I want you all to see me; I want you to know me. Then, hopefully, you will be able to see Christ within me.

I won't release the full title of the book just yet, but you can follow the development of "The LILE Project" on my social media for this blog. Be sure to follow @insidemhoh on Twitter, Instagram, and like the Facebook page. I'll keep you updated regularly on the overall development of the book there.

I do have one request, though: please pray for me.

I want this project to be something that impacts as many people as possible, and I'm going to need all the prayerful support that I can get from you all. The book is dedicated to the Holy Family, so if you would, pray for their powerful intercession.

I cannot thank you all enough for all of the support that I have received since starting this journey, and I cannot believe just how much my life has changed because of it.

Know that ever single one of you is so dear to me, and I will keep you in my prayers every day.

May God bless you and keep you today and everyday, my dear friends.

Thank you.



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