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"She's Too Catholic to be Gay!"

I've known that I've been attracted to women for quite a while. But, not a lot of people in my life did until very recently.

A few people tend to speculate over my sexuality and on occasion, and the rumors circle back to me sometimes. One person will say that I wear hoodies and Nike shorts a bit too often, or that I walk around always looking like an athlete even though I quit sports years ago, or that I hug people (especially other girls) for a "long periodically time," or that I just give off a "gay vibe."

Whatever the heck that means...

But then, another person will chime into the conversation and say something like, "Ohh my gosh are you kidding?? She's wayyyy too Catholic to be gay," or "Seriously, no way. She's super Catholic."

I laugh to myself every time I hear something like this, honestly. I really do find it funny.

The truth is, I think this statement can be true or false, depending on what you're really asking.

Let me explain.


I say this question is partially true because if you look at what the homosexual agenda preaches, it says that your sexual identity is basically the premise of who we are as individuals.

We'll hear people say "I'm gay, it's who I am. Accept me, or don't," or something like that. But guys, since when can we reduce our entire human experience to who we're sexually attracted to? It's silly when we think about it that way, right? Because it is silly. It's absolutely ridiculous, actually.

Knowing that my attractions aren't my entire identity, I then ask who I am. What makes me who I am? What makes me unique?

This is where my relationship with Christ and to Christ comes in.

He has called me His own, loved me and died for me as His beloved, and that's who I am. That's what I know to be true as a Catholic Christian, and that's why yes, I am far too Catholic to solely be "gay."

On the other hand, a lot of people say this because they're under the impression that Catholic people cannot physically have homosexual attractions (or at the very least, can't admit that they do). Personally, I believe that there are plenty---and I mean PLENTY---of people within the Catholic Church that struggle with SSA. I'm one of them, and I'm still here. I don't act on my attractions, I don't plan to, and I know that I don't need to to make me happy.

I say that this saying is false because I don't think anyone with any faith, any background, any race or anything like that is somehow exempt from the possibility of struggling with SSA. Just because I'm a proud Catholic doesn't mean that this trial is going to go away anytime soon, or that I somehow shouldn't have had to struggle with this.

In all honesty, I think I've become a much better Catholic because of it. I've had to undergo some extremely tough trials, and I still go through a heck of a lot on a daily basis. I talk all the time on this blog how I've grown so much closer to Christ through this cross, and I wouldn't have it any other way. Again, we all struggle in life, and if it wasn't SSA that I'm struggling with, it would be something else. But, because I do struggle with it, no, I am not somehow too Catholic to struggle with this, or anything else for that matter.

Praise be to God that I call the Catholic Church my home, because I have no idea where I would be or what I would be doing now if it wasn't for the love of her, and my Father in Heaven.


Before I leave off this post today, I want to thank every single one of you for taking the time to turn your attention to the IMHOH Blog. As of last night, the blog has received 1000+ post views in three short months, and my mind is completely blown.

I thank God for each one of you, and be assured of my prayers for you.

Make sure you subscribe to IMHOH so that you don't miss any updates, and I ask that you pray for me as I continue this journey of faith and growth.

Thank you.


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